<design_info // design information
machine_name="Melco" // embroidery machine name
num_stitches="49569" // number of stitches
num_colours="7" // number of colors
num_trims="21" // number of trims
num_objects="100" // number of embroidery objects
num_colour_changes="13" // number of color changes
height="215.572222" // double, in mm
width="138.633333" // double, in mm
<colorways> // list of colorways
<colorway // colorway information
name="Colorway 1" // colorway name
file="Colorway 1.png" // optional colorway trueview file
bkg_colr=”12632256” //colorway background color
current=”true” > //if this colorway is current
<threads> // list of colorway threads
<thread . . . />
<thread . . . />
<thread . . . />
<colorway .../> // optionally more colorways
<stop_sequence> // stop sequence
<stop_record // individual stop record
color_idx="0" // index into colorway threads
num_stitches="73" // number of stitches
element="" /> // free text element string
<stop_record . . . />
<stop_record . . . />
<stop_record . . ./>
<lettering_objects> //lettering objects info
<lettering_object index="0"> //lettering object info if design has one or more
<simple_lettering . . . />
<thread … />
<monogram_objects> // monogram objects info
<monogram_object index="0"> // monogram object info if design has one or more
<monogram_lettering … />
<monogram_ornament … />
The design_info xml string is used in:
- Output of api/designInfo
- Output of api/designTrueview
- Output of api/newDesignTrueview
- Output of api/newDesign
- Output of api/newLetteringPreview
Design information estimation
For performance reasons, the design information produced by the api/newLetteringPreview function is an estimate. It can differ slightly if compared to actual design info produced by api/designInfo or api/newDesign with the same input.
Most of the fields are estimated exactly. However, some fields are estimated with less than 100% accuracy. The list below contains the accuracy for estimated fields. For the fields where the estimation accuracy is not specified, the field value is estimated exactly, and is identical to the actual design information field value.
Design information
The design_info provides the following information about the design:
The machine_name specifies the embroidery machine format of the design.
The num_stitches specifies the number of stitches in the design. When estimated, the accuracy is +/- 10%.
The num_colours specifies the number of colours in the design. When estimated, the value is always 1.
The num_trims specifies the number of trims in the design. When estimated, the value is always 0.
The num_objects specifies the number of embroidery objects in the design.
The num_colour_changes specifies the number of color changes in the design. When estimated, the value is always 0.
The height specifies the height of the design in mm.
The width specifies the width of the design in mm.
The colorways contains the list of all colorways in the design.
In the future, the design information may be extended with other data.
Colorway information
The information for each colorway contains the colorway name which should be supplied in the design decorations.
The file specifies the colorway’s TrueView™ bitmap filename, and is returned only by the api/designTrueview function.
bkg_color is the background color of the colorway. This attribute always has value. The background color saved in template is returned for stitch designs (DST, PES, etc.). The background color saved in design is returned for native designs (EMB, ART, etc.).
The colorway also contains an ordered list of threads that comprise the colorway.
Stop Sequence information
The stop_sequence information describes the stops in the design, by means of an ordered list of stop_records.
Each stop record contains a color_idx, which specifies the zero-based index of the thread in any colorway’s threads list. Note that in certain rare cases (e.g., designs with borers), there is no color applicable to a particular stop record, in which case the color_idx for that stop record would contain -1.
The num_stitches specifies the number of stitches in the stop record.
The element string can contain free text describing the stop record.
Lettering Objects information
The lettering_objects information describes the lettering objects in a design. It contains an ordered list of lettering_object records. Note that the lettering objects that are part of a Team Name Lettering or Monogram cannot be changed using these means and are therefore not included in the list.
Each lettering_object contains an index, which specifies the zero-based index of the lettering object in the list of all lettering objects in design. The simple_lettering and thread specify lettering settings and thread for the lettering object.
Monogram Objects information
The monogram_objects information describes the monogram objects in a design. It contains an ordered list of monogram_object records. Each monogram_object contains an index, which specifies the zero-based index of the monogram object in the list of all monogram objects in design. The monogram_lettering and monogram_ornament specify lettering settings and ornament settings.