<lettering_object index="0">
<simple_lettering... /> //optional change lettering parameters
<thread... /> //optional change lettering color
<lettering_object index="n">
<simple_lettering... />
<thread … />
If a design contains lettering objects, they can be modified by using lettering_objects parameter by calling editDesign or editDesignTrueview. Whether a design contains lettering objects can be determined in design_info which is returned by several API methods like designInfo or designTrueview.
Multiple lettering objects can be modified in one call. Each lettering_object specifies a modification for a single lettering object. The index specifies the ordinal zero-based index of the lettering object in the design that should be modified.
The system supports modification of most lettering parameters (using simple_lettering) as well as modification of lettering color (using thread).
The subset of simple_lettering parameters supported for modification is text, alphabet_name, height, bold and italic.
All parameters inside lettering_object are optional and the system will modify only the ones which are supplied. Thus, it is possible to say only change the text, or only the color, or only the text and the alphabet.
For example:
- Modify the color of the first lettering object in a design:
<lettering_object index = "0">
<thread color="32768" code="xx" brand="xx" description="xx" />
- Modify the text of the first lettering object in a design
<lettering_object index = "0">
<simple_lettering text="New Name"/>
- Modify the text and alphabet of the first object; and the text and color of the second lettering object in a design
<lettering_object index = "0">
<simple_lettering text="John" alphabet_name="Agatha"/>
<lettering_object index = "1">
<simple_lettering text="Smith"/>
<thread color="32768" code="xx" brand="xx" description="xx" />
Client side must guarantee the alphabet used by editDesign/editDesignTrueview is supported by EWA in both of following scenarios:
- Modified alphabet_name of lettering_object must be supported by EWA.
- When modify other attributes than alphabet_name for a lettering_object, the original alphabet of the lettering_object must be supported by EWA.
API searches the color in palette of the design if a thread color is appointed when calling editDesign/editDesignTrueview . If the color is found, the corresponding stop of the lettering object will use the index of the found color. Otherwise, API will create new thread color with supplied color, value, code, brand and description in the palette of the design, and the corresponding stop of the lettering object will use the index of the new thread color.
For the design has more than 1 colorways, the editDesign/editDesignTrueview only works on one colorway: appointed colorway (by colorway of design) or current colorway (no colorway appointed).