Generate a fast, small transparent image file (non-Trueview) of a single new Lettering decoration or a single new Team Name Lettering decoration with a single name for a single location.
Also obtain estimated information about the produced design, such as height, width, number of stitches, etc, as the api/designInfo function.
Post Parameters:
- appId: Application id of Wilcom API Develop Portal account.
- appKey: Application key of Wilcom API Develop Portal account.
- requestXml: an XML string containing the full specification of the components of design:
<recipe ... /> // recipe
Return Values:
On success, an XML string containing the generated preview:
<file ... /> // resulting trueview file
<design_info ... /> // estimated design information
The method will position a single Lettering or Team Name Lettering decoration according to the transform specified by recipe.
It will then create a fast, small non-trueview transparent bitmap of the produced design that will be returned in files part of the return value, named according to the trueview_file parameter of the output component of the recipe.
The bitmap produced by this function is of lower visual quality than the TrueView ™ bitmap produced by api/newDesignTrueview function. It contains a much simpler visual representation of the stitched area.
It will then create the estimated design information about the produced design that will be returned in design_info part of the return value.
For performance reasons, the design information produced by this function is an estimate. It can differ slightly if compared to actual design info produced by api/designInfo or api/newDesign with the same input.
This function is much faster than api/newDesignTrueview, and should be used where speed is more important than image quality.